Second HTML5 App Update – Text Arranger 1.2
New Features
- Alpha (transparency) control.
- Shadows, with both horizontal and vertical offsets, can now be applied and adjusted.
- Color gradients, both linear and radial, can be applied to the text. Image gradients, however, are not supported.
- Canvas resizing now supported.
- Image generation, so now you can save whatever you created as an image!
The JavaScript Code
$(document).ready(function() { // Uses Modernizr.js to check for canvas support function canvasSupport() { return Modernizr.canvas; } // Once DOM is ready, start the app canvasApp(); function canvasApp() { // Check for canvas support if (!canvasSupport()) { return; } // Grab the canvas and set the context to 2d var theCanvas = $("#canvasOne"); var context = theCanvas.get(0).getContext("2d"); // Variables for text handling var message = ""; var fillOutline = "fill"; // set default fill/outline to fill var fontSize = "50"; var fontFace = "serif"; var fontWeight = "normal"; var fontStyle = "normal"; var textFillColor = "#000000"; var textStrokeColor = "#000000"; var textAlpha = 1; // no transparency by default var shadowX = 1; var shadowY = 1; var shadowBlur = 1; var shadowColor = "#707070"; var fillType = "colorFill"; var gradientFillColor = "#000000"; // Variables used for positioning var textBaseline = "middle"; var textAlign = "center"; // Event listeners $("#textBox").keyup(textBoxChanged); $("#fillOutline").change(fillOutlineChanged); $("#textSize").change(textSizeChanged); $("#textFont").change(textFontChanged); $("#fontWeight").change(fontWeightChanged); $("#fontStyle").change(fontStyleChanged); $("#textFillColor").change(textFillColorChanged); $("#textStrokeColor").change(textStrokeColorChanged); $("#textAlpha").change(textAlphaChanged); $("#shadowColor").change(shadowColorChanged); $("#shadowBlur").change(shadowBlurChanged); $("#shadowX").change(shadowXChanged); $("#shadowY").change(shadowYChanged); $("#fillType").change(fillTypeChanged); $("#gradientFillColor").change(gradientFillColorChanged); $("#canvasWidth").change(canvasSizeChanged); $("#canvasHeight").change(canvasSizeChanged); $("#createImageData").click(createImageDataClicked); // First screen draw drawScreen(); // Event handler functions function textBoxChanged(e) { var target =; message = target.value; drawScreen(); } function fillOutlineChanged(e) { var target =; fillOutline = target.value; drawScreen(); } function textSizeChanged(e) { var target =; fontSize = target.value; drawScreen(); } function textFontChanged(e) { var target =; fontFace = target.value; drawScreen(); } function fontWeightChanged(e) { var target =; fontWeight = target.value; drawScreen(); } function fontStyleChanged(e) { var target =; fontStyle = target.value; drawScreen(); } function textFillColorChanged(e) { var target =; textFillColor = "#" + target.value; drawScreen(); } function textStrokeColorChanged(e) { var target =; textStrokeColor = "#" + target.value; drawScreen(); } function textAlphaChanged(e) { var target =; textAlpha = target.value; drawScreen(); } function shadowColorChanged(e) { var target =; shadowColor = "#" + target.value; drawScreen(); } function shadowBlurChanged(e) { var target =; shadowBlur = target.value; drawScreen(); } function shadowXChanged(e) { var target =; shadowX = target.value; drawScreen(); } function shadowYChanged(e) { var target =; shadowY = target.value; drawScreen(); } function fillTypeChanged(e) { var target =; fillType = target.value; drawScreen(); } function gradientFillColorChanged(e) { var target =; gradientFillColor = "#" + target.value; drawScreen(); } function canvasSizeChanged(e) { var styleWidth = $("#canvasWidth").val(); var styleHeight = $("#canvasHeight").val(); //changing canvas size & resolution - no change in size ofr the drawn elements (manipulating direct html attributes - first remove the css that can get in the way) /* theCanvas.width('').get(0).width = styleWidth; theCanvas.height('').get(0).height = styleHeight; */ //changing canvas size but not resolution (manipulating css width/height) - "zooming" at the loss of quality theCanvas.width(styleWidth); theCanvas.height(styleHeight); drawScreen(); } function createImageDataClicked(e) { var imageData = theCanvas.get(0).toDataURL();, "canvasImage", "left=0, top=0, width=" + theCanvas.width() + ", height=" + theCanvas.height() + ", toolbar=0, resizable=0"); } // Draws or updates the screen. function drawScreen() { // Canvas resets context.globalAlpha = 1; context.shadowColor = "#707070"; context.shadowOffsetX = 0; context.shadowOffsetY = 0; context.shadowBlue = 0; // Background context.fillStyle = "#ffffff"; context.fillRect(0, 0, theCanvas.get(0).width, theCanvas.get(0).height); //width and height in terms of canvas resolution should be used // Outside Border context.strokeStyle = "#000000"; context.strokeRect(5, 5, theCanvas.get(0).width-10, theCanvas.get(0).height-10); //width and height in terms of canvas resolution should be used // Change global alpha and shadows to whatever the user has set context.globalAlpha = textAlpha; context.shadowColor = shadowColor; context.shadowOffsetX = shadowX; context.shadowOffsetY = shadowY; context.shadowBlur = shadowBlur; // Text context.font = fontWeight + " " + fontStyle + " " + fontSize + "px " + fontFace; context.textBaseline = textBaseline; context.textAlign = textAlign; // Gradient handling var metrics = context.measureText(message); // get width of the text; used for the gradients var textWidth = metrics.width; var tempColor; // Variables created in order to center the text on the canvas var metrics = context.measureText(message); var textWidth = metrics.width; var xPosition = (theCanvas.get(0).width/2); //width and height in terms of canvas resolution should be used var yPosition = (theCanvas.get(0).height/2); //width and height in terms of canvas resolution should be used // if a gradient is chosen, we add stops at 0% and 60% if (fillType == "colorFill") { tempColor = textFillColor; } else if (fillType == "linearGradient") { var gradient = context.createLinearGradient(xPosition - textWidth/2, yPosition, xPosition + textWidth/2, yPosition); gradient.addColorStop(0.0, textFillColor); gradient.addColorStop(0.6, gradientFillColor); tempColor = gradient; } else if (fillType == "radialGradient") { var gradient = context.createRadialGradient(xPosition, yPosition, fontSize, xPosition + textWidth, yPosition, 1); gradient.addColorStop(0.0, textFillColor); gradient.addColorStop(0.6, gradientFillColor); tempColor = gradient; } else { tempColor = textFillColor; } // Draw the text differently depending on fill or outline (stroke) switch(fillOutline) { case "fill": context.fillStyle = tempColor; context.fillText(message, xPosition, yPosition); break; case "stroke": context.strokeStyle = textStrokeColor; context.strokeText(message, xPosition, yPosition); break; case "both": context.fillStyle = tempColor; context.fillText(message, xPosition, yPosition); context.strokeStyle = textStrokeColor; context.strokeText(message, xPosition, yPosition); break; } } } });
The Updated App
This will be the last major update to the app. I could create a website for it and make the interface more intuitive, but since this is just a personal project to work with the canvas text API, I’m not going to do that.
The updated (version 1.2) app can be found here:
Nice, but too much independent functions.
True, but as I mention in the post, this is just a way for me to experiment with the canvas text API. I’m not intending on turning this into an app for market 🙂